Bidders Choice Auction
360-521-0932 bidderschoiceauction@live.com
Additional Self Storage
6 locations in Vancouver, WA
In Person .... On Site Storage Auction
Wednesday April 16th
Sign up 9:30 am ... Auction 10 am
(We will give the starting location soon)
Auction Rules...
You must be 18 years old to bid. You must
show your ID when you come to pay for
the units in person.
A $100.00 refundable cash deposit for
each unit will be charged and held by
the manager until the unit is completely
cleaned out. Everyone that buys a unit must
leave a deposit. NO EXCEPTIONS!
If the unit is not cleaned out in that time limit,
or if you do any damage to the storage facility,
you will lose your cleaning deposit.
All personal papers, checks, credit cards,
photos, tax papers, diplomas, and ashes
must be left in a box inside the unit.
If you don't leave personals, you could
be banned from auctions.
All units sold " AS IS " - " WHERE IS "
You are bidding on these units at your own
risk. It is up to you to determine the value.
Unless announced by the auctioneer before
the bidding starts, you are buying the contents
of the whole unit. The storage company does not
sell any titled vehicles.
With your bid, you agree to be bound by the
rules listed on this web site. You also agree to
hold harmless Bidders Choice Auction and
the storage company where the units
are located. You will be entering this location at
your own risk and responsibility. You will be liable
for any damage caused by you to this facility. You
will be solely responsible for any injuries sustained
by you or any other person that comes with you.
We have years of experience, having conducted
more than 10,000 auctions and sales.
Consultations are always free,
give us a call at (360) 521-0932
ask for Gary or Dixie
Since 2001, our company has conducted auctions in both
SW Washington and the Portland, Oregon areas. We
have lived in the area for a long time. We have
2 grown sons and 1 grandson.